Thursday, August 25, 2011

Vincent Van Gogh

1. Who was Vincent Van Gogh? Be specific.
 Vincent Van Gogh was a really famous painter who was born in Groot-Zundert, Holland. He was born in the year 1853 and died in 1890. Around July of 1890 he shot himself.

2. Why was he so famous?
 He was famous for his art pieces. Also because he introduced a new technique of brush strokes, a very passionate one.

3. What was happening in the United States during the time period?
 During this time period in the United States a couple of major events happened. For one, the US civil war was happening. Also during this period the end of slavery happened in the United States. Many more states joined the union which is the USA. Also the United States built the trans-continental roads.

4. What was happening in your community during that time period? Did your community exist?
 My community was barely starting out being Logan Heights. During the time when Van Gogh died they were barely responding to the growth of the neighborhood by building a horse and mule-drawn rail car line. During this time they also made many residential buildings.